The Encyclopedia of Mytholingual Creatures, Places, and Things—Part I—Jʚsɘph Cɑɱpbɛɬɭ SpecGram Vol CLIX, No 2 Contents More of The Business of Linguistics—Book Announcement from Panini Press

Introducing.. The SpecGram Ellipsis™©

More than a Comma.. Less than a Semicolon!℠®

A recent report by a Dutch company that studies printers found that switching from a “bold” or “black” font to a “light” or “narrow” one could save up to 30% on the cost of ink used in printing.

That’s great! But why stop there? You can further reduce your elliptical printing and transmission costs by 33%! Here’s how!

The editors of Speculative Grammarian are pleased to introduce the SpecGram Ellipsis™㊋:


We use it all the time in our internal emails.. it pleasantly conveys the rambling, stream-of-consciousness, meandering-around-the-point nature of our senior editors’ most important.. yet pointlessly time-consuming.. debates about punctuation.. particularly commas.. and whether other punctuation goes inside or outside of quotes..

Now, it is important to remember that while you are saving money on elliptical printing and transmission in memos, email, and even hand-written letters, the SpecGram Ellipsis™⎊ is not free. We spent a lot of money to make sure it was copyrighted ©, registered ®, firemarked ㊋, and downwardly triangled ⎊. Now it’s your turn to cough up some money of your own.

You can get a per-use license for only 25¢. A personal unlimited-use license is only $25. A corporate unlimited-use license is only £25 per user. No euros (€) accepted.

Get Your SpecGram Ellipsis™©®㊋⎊ Licenses Today!
Intellectual Property Violation is Theft and/or Plagiarism!

[Disclaimer: Use of the SpecGram Ellipsis™ has been linkedespecially among editors with prescriptivist leaningsto bouts of apoplexy, fits of distemper, and convulsions of scatological logorrhea.]

The Encyclopedia of Mytholingual Creatures, Places, and Things—Part I—Jʚsɘph Cɑɱpbɛɬɭ
More of The Business of Linguistics—Book Announcement from Panini Press
SpecGram Vol CLIX, No 2 Contents