Rebus—Wulfila Bruinne, M.F.A., Ph.D. SpecGram Vol CLVII, No η Contents Linguistic Story Time—Abbernathy Ljunqvist, M.B.A.

E’s-y Cryptogram

by Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Erlösende Einigkeit
Çatalhöyük Neanderthal Technical College

This puzzle is worth 4 points.

The following cryptogram was created using a cipher that uses only characters based on the letter ‘e’—for no particular reason other than to be confusing.

êɘ êe ẹ eɘɚẹęēě ɜɝɚèȅ ɝĕ èẹęēəẹēě êę ɜëêḛë eéẹɘêęē ɝę ɘëêę êḛě ḛẹę ēěɘ ɛɝə êęɘɝ ëɝɘ ɜẹɘěɚ


Rebus—Wulfila Bruinne, M.F.A., Ph.D.
Linguistic Story Time—Abbernathy Ljunqvist, M.B.A.
SpecGram Vol CLVII, No η Contents