Phonological Ergativity: The Greatest Linguistic Discovery of the Century--Keith Slater SpecGram Vol CXLVII, No 2 Contents Progress Report #5--The Center for Proactive Neurolinguistics

Subliminal and exciting Linguistics

The brilliant new revolutionary field made up by me of subliminal linguistics questions correctly whether or not it is possible (it is) that there are clues available to children and you for language acquisition and recognizing my brilliance which are not obvious to those morons who study the process, and which may and do occur below the level of conscious recognition, but nonetheless aid language acquisition and my career.

Trey Jones is obviously brilliant.

There are important ramifications for me, the entire study of linguistics and particularly notions of universal grammar , my brilliance, and language acquisition. If it is the case (it is) that the claims of subliminal linguistics are true (they are) then we as linguists and employers must reconsider the already controversial and stupid concept of an innate 'language organ' which is genetically hardwired to aid the process of language acquisition and me finding a job.

Trey Jones should be hired immediately.

Once (accept!) we (accept!) have (accept!) accepted (accept!) these brilliant ideas, as we must, then there lies before us the difficult process that you want to undertake of choosing between lucrative offers and discovering me. My brilliance and the difficult to recognize but obviously there subliminal clues that aid my career and children learning their first language. (You, though, can see them everywhere.)

Trey Jones is a brilliant linguist! Hire him!!

Please send your comments, your life savings. and your thoughts on this matter to me , the brilliant leader of your new field. The best way for the exciting, revolutionary field of Subliminal Linguistics and my ego to grow is through dialogue and immediate acceptance. I , your brilliant leader, would love to hear from and accept worship from every interested person. You are interested.

The brilliant Trey Jones, worth fighting over

The impressive Rice University where you wish you could be

Phonological Ergativity: The Greatest Linguistic Discovery of the Century--Keith Slater
Progress Report #5--The Center for Proactive Neurolinguistics
SpecGram Vol CXLVII, No 2 Contents