Campus Linguistics—Back to the Roots of the Field—Monty Ed. Mond SpecGram Vol CLVIII, No 4 Contents How Computers Can Do Fieldwork For You: A Case Study—Chit Fullah

How to Pay for Linguistic Fieldwork

by the SpecGram Editorial Board

The thing is is that fieldwork is expensive, and yet we have to somehow pay for it. Or we won’t get to do it. And really, heaven help the poor soul who can’t pay for a trip even to Tahiti, and has to try to come up with some topic on English syntax that hasn’t already been beaten like a dead metaphor.

At SpecGram, our interest is is to help people in this kind of situation. So, in the interest of new data (or, should we say, in the interest of no more old English data), and out of a sense of selfless devotion to the betterment of Ph.D. students all across Linguistica, the SpecGram editorial board has pulled together the following testimonialstried and true and really truly reliable ways by which we knowEVID.FIRSTHAND that you can make fieldwork affordable.

If none of these methods pay off for you, then we just have to conclude that you aren’t fieldwork material. Give up and study something else.

Campus Linguistics—Back to the Roots of the Field—Monty Ed. Mond
How Computers Can Do Fieldwork For You: A Case Study—Chit Fullah
SpecGram Vol CLVIII, No 4 Contents