A Public Service Announcement—The Ministry of Silly Sounds SpecGram Vol CLXVI, No 1 Contents More Holiday Gifts for More Holiday Linguists—The SpecGram Gift Elves™


Prof. Simon M. Tating, 63, of Farborough, passed away 19th November 2012 attempting to learn the pronunciation of certain Bantu words involving various voiceless implosive phonemes.

Professor Tating was born in South Africa, 12th January 1949. He moved to England early in his youth with his parents where he later attended the University of London and received his PhD in Rare African Phonemic Contrastual Studies in 1978.

Until his death he occupied the chair of Experimental Meta-Phonotactics at the Institute for Sub-Saharan and Other Studies and was much renowned for his pioneering work into imitatory exploration of impossible or near-impossible phonetic and phonotactic articulatory combinatorics.

Professor Tating leaves a loving wife and six children and grandchildren: Ukukǁʰoɓu, Aɡ̊ǀʱop’a, Oɓaz̤a, Uɬoŋǀʱat̠ʃʼa, K!omu, Raɦaɬe and Ob̥ʱaŋǀaɓuɓuk’a.

A public service followed by funeral arrangements will be held at 11am, 25th November 2012 at The Mother St. Mary’s Church, Farborough.

A Public Service AnnouncementThe Ministry of Silly Sounds
More Holiday Gifts for More Holiday LinguistsThe SpecGram Gift Elves™
SpecGram Vol CLXVI, No 1 Contents