Bilabial Angel of Mwah—The Phreeee-Phinkin’ Philosophers of Philologogia and The SpecGram Encyclopedia of Linguistic Deities SpecGram Vol CLXXXIX, No 2 Contents Helpful Comparisons for the Confused—Simon Ile and Mattie Phore

P.R.E.­S.C.R.I.P.­T.I.V.E.An Improved Approach to Grammaticality Assessments

by Judd Zh’mntəls-Peeqrs

Grammaticality judgements are an invaluable tool for syntacticians and other linguists of various theoretical persuasions. However, syntacticians have been rightly castigated for relying on their own very not-naïve intuitions, while the self-same syntacticians complain about their informants’ unnuanced categorizations of the syntacticians’ lovingly crafted sample sentences.

Of course grammaticality is clearly not binary, and while some people seem to think you can’t lick a Likert scale, I don’t like ’em!not enough nuance; not enough soul. So I’ve created the Precise Rating & Evaluation Scale Conducive to Realistic Interpretation of People’s Terrible Intuitions for Virtually EverythingP.R.E.S.C.R.I.P.T.I.V.E.which helps you really grok your informants’ feelings about the grammaticality of a given sample sentence. And with 24 options, you have fine-grained control over how fine-grained you want your grammaticality buckets to be!

Just match your informants’ initial response to any given sample sentence to the list below, and voilà!: you’ve transformed their intuition into real, meaningful dataor at least something that looks like 4-digit precision.

* This is evidence that your informant is actually a syntactician, and thus should be removed from your study immediately.

Bilabial Angel of MwahThe Phreeee-Phinkin’ Philosophers of Philologogia and The SpecGram Encyclopedia of Linguistic Deities
Helpful Comparisons for the ConfusedSimon Ile and Mattie Phore
SpecGram Vol CLXXXIX, No 2 Contents