Double or Nothing—Schön “Sean” Kaunis, Ph.D. SpecGram Vol CLVII, No η Contents Mad Libitum—An Offering from the Puzzle Editors
Psammeticus Press

This puzzle is worth 250 points.

Critical Readings in Linguistics Crossword Puzzle
By H.D. Onesimus and his underlings
Presented by Psammeticus Press. Price: Free

In honor of this SpecGram puzzle issue, H.D. Onesimus presents this crossword puzzle. The clues are all based on essential works in Linguistics.

Prize! Anyone who submits a correct solution to this puzzle will receive a certificate for a 2.5% discount on one book from Psammeticus Press.

1. Word #15 on page 234 of Linguistics for Lazy People
4. Word #220 on page 8 of An Interpreter’s Dictionary of Linguistic Argumentation
7. Second word in the title of the second article in Linguistica ad hominem 1.5
10. 28th language listed in table 448 of The Other Sino-Tibetan Languages
11. Preposition which is the subject of chapter 8 of Prepositional Propositions
12. Word #8 on page 25 of The European Dialects of Cheese
14. Word #88 on page 15044 of your Lingo! owner’s manual
15. Second word of technique #3 in How to Cheat at Linguistics
16. Word #8 in footnote #8889 of Gee, Your Name Looks Funny!
17. Last word in the definition of “convincing” in An Interpreter’s Dictionary of Linguistic Argumentation
19. First word on page 88 of Linguistic Linguistics: An Intradisciplinary Introduction
21. First word in constraint #99901 of An Optimality-Theoretic Account of the History of Linguistics: Past, Present, Future
23. Word #20 in the publication information included in Linguistica ad hoc, volume 3.208
24. 485th word defined in An Interpreter’s Dictionary of Linguistic Argumentation
28. Second word in the process discussed in chapter 8 of The European Dialects of Cheese
31. Word #18 on page 22 of Linguistic Deskwork
32. 3rd word on the reverse side of the mailing envelope that encloses Ps Press authors’ royalty checks
33. Word #88 on page 44015 of your Lingo! owner’s manual
34. What D. in H.D. Onesimus stands for
35. Word #77 on page 899 of Valence and Violence: How Language Shapes Political Acts
37. Fifteenth word in footnote #46 of The European Dialects of Cheese
38. Word #99 on page cxiv of Gee, Your Name Looks Funny!
39. Word #288 on page 4301 of The Other Sino-Tibetan Languages
43. Second word on page 88 of Linguistic Linguistics: An Intradisciplinary Introduction
47. 106th word in the definition of “synchronic” in An Interpreter’s Dictionary of Linguistic Argumentation
48. What SpecGram Suzie thinks of ergativity
50. Word #19 on page 4 of Pluralses: On the Use and Abuse of Multiple Plurals
51. Word #19 on page 98 of Linguistic Linguistics: An Intradisciplinary Introduction
52. Word #76 on page 8 of Linguistics for Lazy People
53. The primacy of the ___, according to Linguistic Deskwork
54. The only English preposition which is never discussed in Prepositional Propositions
55. Name of linguist/political scientist mentioned on page 831 of Valence and Violence: How Language Shapes Political Acts
56. Word #29 on page 88 of The Avery Island Salt Diet: the natural weight-loss plan of the Atakapa Indians
       1  2  3         4  5  6         7  8  9        
10                              11                       12                13 
14                              15                       16                      
17                       18         19         20                             
                     21         22         23                                    
24  25  26                       27                       28  29  30 
31                              32                       33                      
34                       35                       36                             
                     37                       38                                    
39  40  41                       42         43         44  45  46 
47                              48         49         50                      
51                              52                       53                      
       54                       55                       56                      

1. Word which is printed on the warning label on the radiator cap of your Lingo!
2. Publisher who sponsored issue 2.7 of Linguistica ad ad
3. The most advanced dialect you could learn in Dialect Continuum Language Studies
4. Expected editor of Part 5, Volume 207 of The Contrastive Grammar of Japanese
5. Second word in constraint #20838 of An Optimality-Theoretic Account of the History of Linguistics: Past, Present, Future
6. The only English word which can be duodecapluralized, according to Pluralses: On the Use and Abuse of Multiple Plurals
7. What you need to change every 2000 miles in your Lingo!
8. Name of a language discussed on page 3088 of The Other Sino-Tibetan Languages
9. Word #2 on page 1503 of your Lingo! owner’s manual
10. Second word in the definition of “Argumentation” in An Interpreter’s Dictionary of Linguistic Argumentation
13. Word #99 on page 2 of The Avery Island Salt Diet: the natural weight-loss plan of the Atakapa Indians
18. Word #558 on page 18 of Linguistics for Lazy People
20. Word #63 on page 1001 of The Other Sino-Tibetan Languages
22. Color of SpecGram Suzie’s shoes
24. 13th word of Technique #88 in How to Cheat at Linguistics
25. Word #207 on page 88 of The Semiotics of Poetry and the Poetry of Semiotics
     26. First author listed in bibliography of The Other Sino-Tibetan Languages
27. 27th word on page 502 of Dialect-Dependent Differences in Duration and Degree of Darkness
28. First name of the person to whom Linguistic Linguistics: An Intradisciplinary Introduction is dedicated
29. Second author cited on page 28 of The Linguistics of Surveys: A survey of the linguistic issues
30. What mozzarella “verbs” correspond to in lactic terms, according to The European Dialects of Cheese
33. Word #91 on page 204 of your Lingo! owner’s manual
35. US President mentioned on page 204 of Valence and Violence: How Language Shapes Political Acts
36. The last word of prediction #2077 of An Optimality-Theoretic Account of the History of Linguistics: Past, Present, Future
37. What Ps Press recognizes, instead of “Copyright”
39. Last word defined in An Interpreter’s Dictionary of Linguistic Argumentation
40. Word often uttered by H.D. Onesimus while writing The Avery Island Diarrhea Diet: the natural weight-loss plan of H.D. Onesimus while doing fieldwork on Avery Island
41. What you should avoid doing when cheating, according to page 90 of How to Cheat at Linguistics
42. Name of third person mentioned in the acknowledgement of Linguistic Linguistics: An Intradisciplinary Introduction
44. Word #8 on page 4 of Linguistics for Lazy People
45. Earliest recorded variant of “Jens”, according to page cxiv of Gee, Your Name Looks Funny!
46. Word #8 on page 1 of Part 1, Volume 1 of The Contrastive Grammar of Japanese Series
49. One paper topic that people should never choose, according to page 8 of Linguistics for Lazy People

Double or Nothing—Schön “Sean” Kaunis, Ph.D.
Mad Libitum—An Offering from the Puzzle Editors
SpecGram Vol CLVII, No η Contents